Hey, try saying that you teach computer networking to people! ;-) Everyone 
says, "Oh, you teach people how to use the Internet?" I answer, "No, I 
teach the engineers that build the Internet." Then I get blank stares. ;-) 
It's frustrating.


At 04:27 PM 7/24/00, Chris Larson wrote:
>I can sympathize. Congratulations it is a big deal. I too do not find many
>people to talk to or get excited about what I do. It seems to be that way
>for many many engineers. I have resolved to simply saying "I work with
>computers" when people ask me what I do because even if I explain it to them
>they still don't understand and telling them I work with CPU's is just
>simpler. It is not a job that you can go home and talk about. "Yeah honey,
>it was cool. I built 3 3-DES VPNS between several branch offices, but it was
>frustrating because I somehow messed up the OSPF tables". WTF are you
>talking about??
>My uncle is a Doctor and when he says I sewed someones arm back on everyone
>understands. If you say I attatched a router to a network (the simplest of
>terms)nobody knows what you really did and how neat that really is, or more
>importantly all the things it will allow that comany to accomplish.
>Well hey!! I understand, and even if everyone else doesn't understand, we
>build networks, we make the internet happen, and we enable the people we
>work for to do so many incredible things. It is very very important work.
>Again CONGRATS!!!!
>CCNP +Security
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dennis Laganiere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 12:44 PM
>To: 'CLAXTON, TIMOTHY A. (AIT)'; 'Group Study'
>Subject: RE: Passed COD
>I sympathize with you about your spouse not understanding what you've
>accomplished.  My wife has said she hasn't understood a thing I've said
>since I stopped working with servers five years ago :-)
>Let me offer a warm and heartfelt (virtual) hug of acceptance and respect...
>         - Dennis Laganiere
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 8:27 PM
>To: 'Group Study'
>Subject: Passed CCDP
>I just thought I would drop a quick note to let the group know that I passed
>CID on Friday gaining me my CCDP.
>I started pursuing this certification earlier this year when I took a new
>job. Now that I have passed, I don't have the excitement that I thought I
>would have. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited and relieved that I am
>past it now. The problem is that I don't have anyone close to share the
>excitement with. My wife was happy for me but she, as well as the rest of my
>family, doesn't really understand what I have accomplished.
>Does anyone else feel similar?
>Anywhoo, here is my path to CCDP.
>I took the CCDP 2.0 path.
>Jan 2000 - Passed BCMSN beta. I studied CLSC course book a little. Not much
>help for this test. I did have lots of hands on including 29xx and 5500
>switches. Know spanning tree, Cisco multicast, MLS, VTP, ISL etc.
>April 2000 - Passed DCN test for CCDA. I studied DCN CD. Not to difficult.
>June 2000 - Passed BCSN. I studied the Cisco Press ACRC book. Skip WAN, IPX
>and AppleTalk stuff. Read Cisco's BGP tutorial on CCO. Just search on "BGP
>June 2000 - Passed BCRAN. The group said this was the easiest but I thought
>it was fairly difficult. I used Cisco Press BCRAN book.
>July 2000 - Passed CID. This was also difficult. I used the Cisco Press CID
>book. Study Cisco's ATM product guide.
>Know specs on ATM gear.
>I hope to take CIT in August. I may take this class just because the hands
>on will be good practice for CCIE.
>Thanks to the group for all of your posts.
>Tim Claxton CCDP CCNA
>Systems Design Engineer
>SBC DataComm


Priscilla Oppenheimer

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