If you supernet you will put all stations on one segement. Your network
would not slow down but come down.
You need to look to some switching design with fastether channel to the
----- Original Message -----
From: jeongwoo park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Groupstudy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 3:56 PM
Subject: Speed performance!!

> Hi all
> My file server is on
> Clients are on these four subnets.
> There is such a slow data transfer rate going from any
> of these 4 subnets to the subnet where the server is.
> All clients get DHCP ip addresses
> As a suggestion, someone told me to supernet.
> As far as I know, in order to supernet, subnet ip
> addresses should be contiguous, and I think the idea
> of supernetting is to include multiple subnets into
> one supernetted subnet. So we can transfer data within
> one subnet instead of transferring through router for
> subnet-to-subnet transfer.
> However, these five subnet ip addresses are not
> contiguous.
> How can I supernet non-contiguous subnet ip addresses?
> By following Cisco book instruction on supernetting, I
> got this address: Is this correct?
> If this was correctly supernetted, what should I do
> next?
> Should I go to each individual stations (about 600
> stations) for new TCP/IP setup? I am sure there should
> be better way to handle this.
> I have only several months of network experience. I am
> still newbie.
> I will appreciate your help
> Thanks in adv.
> jw
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