> Well is this BW statement based on the bandwith statement entered in the
> config for a routing protocol to use? I dont think this command will give
> you the acutal CIR of the circuit.
> I maybe wrong...let me know.

The BW statement in the "show frame-relay map" command represents
the CIR as presented to your equipment from the Frame Relay
Switch.  Your "bandwidth" setting will not affect this output.

I ran in to a situation a few weeks ago where on our new PVCs we
were no longer receiving CIR declarations in the LMI updates from
MCI's Frame Relay Switches--it turned out all the PVCs were 
provisioned with 0 CIRs (yes, zero).  After fixing them, we now 
see BW statements again.

This is an extremely useful benefit of Cisco-style LMI, as it
can often save you a call to your provider to verify CIRs.
I know it does me.

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