"Howard C. Berkowitz" wrote:
> To the city fathers of San FranCISCO:
>     Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Don't you know that Cisco already consumated that one in 1995?  :-)
And who can forget the heated internal debate that eventually led to
the capitalization of the name from cisco Systems to Cisco Systems?!
>        San Jose, California, September 8, 1995 -- Cisco Systems, Inc.,
> (NASDAQ: CSCO), the leading global supplier of internetworking solutions,
> today announced their agreement with San Francisco, CA to rename the city.
> Coming on the heels of the 3COM/Candlestick agreement, the city has agreed
> to accept $5,000,000 over a period of 5 years to have the name shortened
> to Cisco, CA.
> According to a company spokesman, "When we saw how easily the city of San
> Francisco had rolled over for the 3COM deal, we knew we had an excellent
> opportunity.  The chance to reinforce Cisco's presence in the networking
> community and the world at large is something that we just couldn't afford
> to pass up.  For the price, it's quite a steal."
> 3COM officials declined to comment on a report that they had tried to
> block the deal due to their concern that 3COM Park (formerly Candlestick
> Park) would now be located in Cisco, CA.
> "With the number of national and international visitors, TV coverage, and
> the 1999 Superbowl to be held in the newly renamed city, Cisco will
> continue to extend its reach into every facet of the networking world,"
> said the spokesman.  "We are proud of the outstanding accomplishments of
> our employees and partners in fiscal 1995 and we see this as an excellent
> opportunity to reward them for their dedication."
> Cisco Systems, Inc. is the leading global supplier of enterprise networks,
> including routers, LAN and ATM switches, dial-up access servers and
> network management software.

  Marty Adkins                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mentor Technologies          Phone: 410-280-8840 x3006
  275 West Street, Plaza 70    WWW: http://www.mentortech.com
  Annapolis, MD  21401         Cisco CCIE #1289

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