
I also have done extensive study of the CISCO IOS and I am studyng for =
the lab as we speak.
I work in an environment where not only do I troubleshoot CISCO( about =
90%) but the rest
is split up mostly by Bay and then a small amount of Motorola FRADS. =
Anyway, BAY at first
was a shock to the system since there IOS is a cross between DOS and MIB =
city. I have gotten
comfortable with MIBs on BAY now, specially doing stat caps, but I have =
also learned to use=20
site manager which is a good tool for Bays. In the process, I went ahead =
and  got the low level cert for=20
Bays(Certified Support Specialist). Basically, I first saw this as a =
curse because I had no interest in anything but CISCO IOS,
but in reality there are many large companies in perticular one =
automotive company
that use all BAY. This experience has gotten me into an environment of =
further learning and
of experimentation. Especially debugging OSPF problems between CISCO =
routers and
BAY. BAY products are good, but on CLI are not perticularly friendly =
unless you are=20
willing to spend time on it. Once you get to learning the CLI is is =
powerful. BAY
has some very good solutions out there. Do not abandon CISCO but
also stive to increase your knowledge of  NORTEL. Anyway, NORTEL does =
have all its eggs in routers. CISCO IOS is in my humble opinion =
superior. But NORTEL
has nice stuff cooking up. The person I replaced went to NORTEL and he =
CISCO savvy ...has passed the written and had extensive troubleshooting
skill being a member of the ATS group here where I work. But he got an
offer he could not he went. I believe NORTEL right now is =
doing alot of this
and looking for CISCO folks who are good because they can figure they =
can retrain.
I have no interest myself in NORTEL at this time but after my CCIE is =
I dont rule it out. Its an excellent company to work for and an industry =
I am personally holding out for CISCO....hahah will see. Anyway, good =
I know the guy I replaced, who works for NORTEL, is very happy there and =
he is getting
much training...take advantage of it.



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