"deleted" means that the frame relay switch doesn't know about the PVC.
"Inactive" means that the frame relay switch knows about the PVC but it
isn't working.
"active" means you have a working circuit.

If you do a 'debug frame lmi', every so often the switch will send a list
of PVCs.  Deleted PVCs won't show up on the list.  Inactive ones will (with
a status of 0x0 - active PVCs are 0x2).

If you are seeing PVCs in a 'deleted' state, you've either misconfigured
the DLCI, or the provider has misconfigured the switch with the wrong DLCI
(or the provider has not yet configured the switch).
If the PVC is 'inactive', it's hopefully configured with the correct DLCI -
but your circuit is not working end to end.

Can't help with the encapsulation errors, sorry.  It may be simply because
your PVC isn't active.


---------------------- Forwarded by Jenny Mcleod/NSO/CSDA on 03/01/2001
08:38 am ---------------------------

"Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@groupstudy.com on 02/01/2001 07:35:46 pm

Please respond to "Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Subject:  problem on FR

I am configuring a multichannel E1 board on 7513 to connect with a FR net.
when i use SH FRAME PVC ,i got the the PVC status is "deleted " or
what acturally does it mean ?
as far as i know ,"deleted" means the line between router and FR switch is
not OK,
and "inactive" means OK.
i also got the following infor when i unplug the line from the router and
then plug it back.
(i opened deb frame packet and deb frame event on)

serial4/0/0:0 broadcast search
serial4/0/0:0 encaps failed on broadcast for link 7(IP)

what does it mean?

Any help is appreciated.


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