>If you were given the opportunity to choose your classes for BCMSN, BCRAN
>and CIT,  which training facility would rank at the top.  Which facility
>would be the second choice?  TIA
>Robert M. Lopez  
>Network Planning
>Ann Arbor Data Center
>Pfizer Global Research & Development
>Phone 734-622-3948     Fax 734-622-1690

Well, it needs to be clear what is "facility" and what is 
"instructor."  There's no way that a traveling lab set up in a hotel 
or conference center will have the same convenience as a permanent 
training lab.

In my experience, while onsite private courses for particular 
customers may allow special customization and content relevance, the 
facilities tend to be even worse than hotels. My experience with MCI 
facilities, for example, have been...interesting.

Atlanta:  Try setting up a 12 router lab in a classroom that has one 
electrical outlet. Not circuit. Not even duplex receptacle. Outlet.

Chicago:  Long, skinny meeting room that was too narrow to let me 
stand next to the LCD projector.

While I left Geotrain before the GKN merger, their permanent 
facilities were decent. Mentor Labs and ARS have reasonable ones I've 
been in.

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