
Look at 'interface multilink' and 'multilink-group #'
on the interface. 12.1(2)T I believe for
multilink-group command. multilink-group can't be used
on DDR interfaces.


int multilink1
   ip address ...
   encaps ppp
   ppp multilink of interface cfg...
int s0
  multilink-group 1
int s1
  multilink-group 1
int s2
  multilink-group 1


--- Al Smith  wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I am currently trying to multiplex / bind 3 parallel
> T1 clear channel
> circuits.
> The circuits will be terminating on a 7206 router on
> an 8 port multi
> channel T1 card.
> My question is how do I bind the 3 T1s together to
> get the total aggregate
> bandwidth of 3 T1s.
> I have only found info on Inverse multiplexing for
> ATM which is not what I
> am trying to achieve.
> what I have is strictly 3 Point to Point T1 circuits
> using PPP.
> Albert Smith
> Lucent Technologies
> System Engineer, CCNP MCSE

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