Let's make it simple.  Let's ignore the factor that there is a 2501
attached to a 2511's line 1.  Just plain simple.  You have:

1) 2511 router with e0 =
2) an NT box with ip address of

Assuming that you have configured line 1 on the 2511 with transport input
all and the rest.  You sit on your NT box and u telnet to
2001.  Now you want to kill that telnet session.  How will you do it
without closing the telnet application n or hitting a disconnect on the
telnet application nor getting into the 2511 and do a clear line 1.  Hope
you know where I'm getting at. 


On Thu, 24 May 2001, Erick B. wrote:

> Your telnet session is terminated at the 2511 but the
> 2511 redirects you out line 1 directly, so your not
> getting a console/terminal session from the 2511. If
> you telnet to the 2511 then out line 1, then your
> using the 2511 as a console/terminal session so it
> behaves differently. This is the way I understand it
> and best I can explain it. 
> --- Frank Kim  wrote:
> > Erick,
> > When you telnet into a 2511's ethernet address via
> > port 2001 which as the
> > 2501 attached to it, you are actually on the console
> > of the
> > 2501.  Pressing exit, logout, or quit at that poing
> > does not terminate
> > your tcp session to the 2511 but it only bring you
> > to the "Press RETURN to
> > get started." screen of the 2501.  I want to be able
> > to terminate the tcp
> > session to the 2511 without closing the telnet
> > application.
> > 
> > -Frank
> > 
> > 
> >  On Thu, 24 May
> > 2001, Erick B. wrote:
> > 
> > > I sent a reply to this earlier. This is a
> > > telnet-client issue (your windows telnet client).
> > The
> > > windows telnet client has a disconnect option that
> > > will disconnect the session and keep the telnet
> > window
> > > open, or you can click on the X or alt-f4 the
> > window.
> > > You can also do 'logout' on router which should
> > > disconnect it.
> > > 
> > > If you are looking to suspend and resume your
> > telnet
> > > session, then the windows client will not do this.
> > You
> > > will have to open multiple telnet windows, or
> > telnet
> > > into the 2511 and reverse telnet from there. When
> > > you're telneting from the 2511 the 2511 lets you
> > > suspend/resume session by using the escape
> > sequence. 
> > > 
> > > If you're looking for a control-] style
> > suspend/resume
> > > which is common in unix platforms then you'll have
> > to
> > > look around for a unix-like telnet client for
> > windows
> > > that has that functionality. 
> > > 
> > > Ie:
> > > 
> > > I telnet'd to a cisco router from a unix box, and
> > hit
> > > control-] and got this:
> > > 
> > > telnet> ?
> > > Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:
> > > 
> > > close           close current connection
> > > display         display operating parameters
> > > mode            try to enter line or character
> > mode
> > > ('mode ?' for more)
> > > open            connect to a site
> > > quit            exit telnet
> > > send            transmit special characters ('send
> > ?'
> > > for more)
> > > set             set operating parameters ('set ?'
> > for
> > > more)
> > > unset           unset operating parameters ('unset
> > ?'
> > > for more)
> > > status          print status information
> > > toggle          toggle operating parameters
> > ('toggle
> > > ?' for more)
> > > slc             change state of special charaters
> > > ('slc ?' for more)
> > > !               run a TI command
> > > environ         change environment variables
> > ('environ
> > > ?' for more)
> > > ?               print help information
> > > telnet>
> > > 
> > > Erick
> > > 
> > > --- Frank Kim  wrote:
> > > > Phil,
> > > > Yes you have misunderstood once again.  Let me
> > > > clarify.  I sit on an NT
> > > > box.  I use my mouse to click on start, then
> > run,
> > > > then i type in: telnet
> > > > 2001 which brings me straight to the
> > > > console of my 2501.  Even
> > > > I am accessing my 2501 via a TCP session over
> > the
> > > > 2511, but it looks as if
> > > > the 2511 isn't there.  Therefore, you can not
> > use
> > > > alias or type exit to
> > > > get out of that session.  Because whatever
> > > > 'character' you input into the
> > > > screen is for the 2501's console, not the 2511. 
> > So
> > > > again, if a user has
> > > > made a telnet session to 2001, how
> > can
> > > > he exit out of that
> > > > telnet session WITHOUT having to 'close' the
> > telnet
> > > > application?  Once
> > > > again, the 'exit' command nor the ctrl-shift-6 x
> > > > cannot be applied in this
> > > > case.  Let me know if I'm still confusing you.
> > > > 
> > > > -Frank
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  On Thu, 24 May 2001, Circusnuts wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > OK- you have NT client (Telnet)--2511--
> > > > async--2501.  You have opened a
> > > > > session with the 2511, to access the 2501 via
> > > > async line 2001 (through the
> > > > > first physical port on your octal cable). 
> > Your
> > > > commands in the 2511
> > > > (Telnet
> > > > > Hyper Term Window) only effect your
> > relationship
> > > > with the 2511/2501 or
> > > > > direct configurations to the 2511.  An  Alias
> > only
> > > > gives you a custom
> > > > > shortcut command, that you dictate (ex: Show
> > IP
> > > > BGP Neighbors might be made
> > > > > to work as SIBN).  The best way to exit the
> > 2511
> > > > Telnet (& leave the 2511
> > > > > connection up) is to simply close your Telnet
> > > > window.  You can shortcut the
> > > > > exit statement, maybe an Alias of "E."
> > > > > 
> > > > > Have I misconstrued ???
> > > > > Phil
> > > > > 
> > > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > > From: Frank Kim 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 1:51 AM
> > > > > Subject: CLARIFICATION: 2511 with
> > reverse-telnet
> > > > [7:5686]
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > > Okay guys.  I am really sorry for the waste
> > of
> > > > bandwidth.  But so far, I
> > > > > > think I have been misunderstood.  Here is
> > what I
> > > > got:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 1) 2511 with e0  =
> > > > > > 2) one 2501, console's port is attached to
> > line
> > > > 1 of 2511
> > > > > > 3) one NT box with ip of
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I sit on my NT box and I initiate a telnet
> > to
> > > > using port
> > > > > > 2001.  Remember, I am not doing it from a
> > > > router.  So ctrl-shift-6 x will
> > > > > > not suspend my session.  What I would like
> > to do
> > > > is to be able to exit
> > > > > > from the telnet session by typing a
> > keystroke
> > > > such as control-] or
> > > > > > so.  And one more thing, typing 'exit' does
> > not
> > > > work.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I apologize for all misunderstanding. 
> > Thanks
> > > > for any help.
> > > 
> > > 
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