College degree! It is the most important thing you can do. With a degree you
are assured a job of some sort, and if things get really bad you can always
head back for grad work and grow more. Certifications come and go, but the
degree remains the constant in an ever changing job market place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Con Fused [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:06 PM
Subject: Way off subject [7:9997]

Im in a dilemma.  I need some career advice from some experienced 
professionals and anyone else that has been on the same road.
I am 22 years old   I have one more test (CIT) to complete my CCNP.  I have 
been planning on studying for the CCIE and taking the lab within the next 
year and a half but Im not sure now.  My problem is that I want to get my 
computer science degree and I dont think I can get both and work at the same

time.   I am about 2 and a half years from graduating.  I also work 40 hours

a week as a computer tech for an elementary school.  I have hands on 
experience with cisco only in a lab enviroment, not in a production network.

  I feel confident that I want to keep learning networking, but at the same 
time I feel I am missing something by not having a degree and not having a 
broader understanding of computer systems.
The longer I work and put off school I know it will be harder for myself to 
get the degree.

Now I am deciding to go to school full time (after I save up some money) and

get the degree done.
I guess the only reason I feel hesitant about doing this is because I am 
getting closer to getting the CCIE and that has been my focus for the last 
year and a half.  But I have been thinking about it and I think having the 
degree behind me will help in the long run if I want to go into management 
or if I decide to maybe get into network programming (which I know nothing 
about but am kinda curious to learn).  Part of me wants to get into the 
field now, but the logical part of me is telling myself to wait and get the 
degree.  I dont want to get a cisco related job while going to school 
because that will postpone myself getting the degree or take away from my 
job because I am focusing on school.  Any suggestions?
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