                In looking into this I was amazed by the lack of information
on these very specific parts of the protocol itself.   However, I can't seem
to find anything that would seem as a source other than the Cisco
white-paper and Don Dettmore's EIGRP white-paper on the CZone.  I'm also
using Doyle's Routing TCP/IP and Adv. IP Network Design.

Could you point out some links that would provide a better reference.  This
way we could all possibly get a better understanding ourselves.



----- Original Message -----
From: Howard C. Berkowitz 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: EIGRP and IGRP network discovery [7:11273]

> >abc wrote,
> >IGRP use distance vector routing protocol alogorithm to discover
> >
> >EIGRP use link state routing protocol algorithm to discover neighbor
> No, EIGRP does not use a link state mechanism for neighbor discovery.
> It does, however, use a hello subprotocol, and the link state
> protocols (ISIS and OSPF) use different hello subprotocols.
> Neighbor discovery in RIP and IGRP are fairly tightly coupled to
> distance vector, because one of the first notifications of a
> neighbor's existence is that it sends a routing update. (Actually, in
> RIP at least -- I'd have to research IGRP -- you first hear a routing
> table query from a neighbor, which sends its table only after you
> respond).  In EIGRP, ISIS, and OSPF, neighbor discovery is completely
> decoupled from the topology update mechanism.
> >.
> >
> >Metric calaucation is basically same, but eigrp multiply 256.
> >
> >No wonder, cisco certification is no longer valueable.
> I question your observations, because you have not really
> demonstrated you understand how the protocols work.  Now, please
> understand I am not trying to be overly critical. Many courses and
> books teach it incorrectly, with marketing confusion about "hybrid"
> protocols, and especially the erroneous association of hello
> subprotocols with link state.  To achieve real understanding, one has
> to dig beyond the confusion and often go back to source material.
> >
> >""John Feuerherd""   Hello all,
> >>  I'm studying for my CCIE written exam and I came across a question on
> >>  sample test that has me a little baffled. It states that EIGRP and
> >use
> >>  the same network discovery method. I know they use the same metrics,
> I
> >>  am under the impression that they use different methods when
> >>  networks. Am I correct in that statement?
> >>
> >>  Thanks in advance,
> >>  JF

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