Sure, but it requires some precautions.  This can be hazardous since
it's very easy to lock yourself out of the remote router.  Double check
these instructions before you use them.  I accept no responsibility for
my typos or omissions.  ;-)

1. Verify that the router has sufficient total flash memory to hold the
2. Enter config mode and set the default gateway using the ip
default-gateway command.  Make the gateway the ip address of the nearest
upstream neighbor on that particular link.
3. Type "config-reg 0x101" so that the router will boot from ROM.  
4. Supposedly, if the router has more than one serial port, you're
supposed to shutdown the ones that won't be used here but I'm not sure
if that's true or not.
5. Save the config and reload the router
6. Re-establish your telnet session once the router is done rebooting. 
It will boot to the "router(boot)>" prompt.
7.  Put the router in privileged (enable) mode
8.  Issue the "copy tftp flash" command with the necessary parameters
9.  After transfer is complete, go to config mode and type "config-reg
0x2102" and exit config mode.
10.  DO NOT SAVE THE CONFIG AT THIS POINT!  This will write a boot ROM
version of your config to NVRAM....a "bad" thing.
11.  Reload the router.  Do *NOT* reply "yes" when it asks if you want
to save the config!
12.  Re-establish telnet session.  Remove ip default-gateway command
and do a no shutdown on those interfaces mentioned earlier.
13.  Save your config to NVRAM.

I know, that's a lot of work but you have to be careful.  You might
want to try this on routers that aren't too far away first, just in case
you need to make a special trip.  

Good luck,

>>> "Jerry Deer"  9/5/01 10:31:26 AM >>>
Is there anyway to upgrade a 2500 router ios using a frame relay

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