To become a Netacad instructor at our college, you must dress slovenly,
slur your speach, and show utter disdain for your students.  When they
complain (especially after failing the BSCN practical exam) just say,
"To Bad, So Sad!"  (Bah, Humbug!) :) :)

Happy Holidays to All,

Prof. Tom Lisa, CCAI
Community College of Southern Nevada
Cisco Regional Networking Academy

Priscilla Oppenheimer wrote:

> If you wore a suit, they would know you weren't a real engineer and flunk
> you immediately! ;-) (Unless you were Vint Cerf.)
> You compared it to the Novell instructor test, which is comparing oranges
> and apples. To become a Cisco instructor, your manners, speech, dress, etc.
> would be relevant. In that case business clothes would be expected,
> although not necessarily a suit in this day and age, I would guess.
> Priscilla
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Steven A. Ridder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 3:00 PM
> >Subject: Proper dress for CCIE lab? [7:29524]
> >
> >
> >Is it true that you have to be dressed in a suit for the CCIE lab?  Do
> >mark mannerisms, speech and dress?  I have some old Novell guys telling me
> >horror stories of the Novel Instructor Program.
> >
> >Steve
> ________________________
> Priscilla Oppenheimer

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