Hi Group,
     I have been sniffing my broadband connection to
my ISP today and have a few questions.

     My main gripe is that I'm being sent around 100
Arp requests per minute, which obviously I cannot
resolve. These ARP requests are all originating from
my default G/W at the ISP trying to resolve MAC
addresses of various users. Can anyone confirm if this
is usual or unusual. I cannot see this being correct
since if I set my router up to be one of these IP
addresses I can resolve it to my MAC address Eth 0
int' or any other mac-address for that matter.

     They also send me DHCP requests, IGMP requests
for group (Which I wish I could join) but
cannot and lots of their private address information
via the above mentioned ARP's.

     I also captured an attemt at an inbound TCP
connection on a dynamic port which my router RST,

     Are they wasting my B/W ?





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