Because your provider has defined the PVC on their switch.
Why?  A few possibilities spring to mind...
a) your co-worker put in an incorrect or ambiguous order and the provider
thought you wanted the third PVC
b) your provider accidentally mis-configured the switch, and some other
organisation may be currently asking them why they can't see the PVC that
they ordered.
c) somebody else in your organisation ordered the third PVC
d) it's an old PVC and somebody forgot to cancel it when it was
de-configured on the router and no longer required, or the provider
cancelled it but forgot to de-configure it from the switch.
e) any number of similar reasons

The relative likelihood of these depends partly on your organisation - how
many different teams have their fingers in the pie, how complex the network
is (i.e. how easy it is to accidentally mis-type a request), and partly on
the provider.  If you're sure that the third PVC isn't required, chase it
up with your provider - they should be able to say when (if) it was


----- Forwarded by Jenny Mcleod/NSO/CSDA on 08/01/2002 09:57 am -----
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Frame Relay Question

So...I am looking at some frame links that a co-worker
brought up not long ago.  I issue a "show frame-relay
pvc" command and notice that there are 3 dlci's being
seen by the router yet there are only 2 circuits.  The
3rd "unknown" dlci is listed as being unused.  So, I
look through the config some more and confirm that the
3rd dlci is not defined anywhere in the config.  I am
guessing my router is learning this dlci from the
providers frame switch??  But why?

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong...and thanks in
advance for the help.


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