HOW is it people always read so much into what is said in an email?  He
simply stated he's sick that he has to pay & someone who committed a crime
gets it for free.  I can understand that.  It's my tax $$ too.  It's not
elitism to say "hey...that's my money, why are you spending it on the guy
who killed/robbed/stalked/etc. my neighbor?".  He never said education
shouldn't be implemented.  As a matter of fact I did quite a bit of reading
before writing this email & it turns out prisoners have access to more free
college education than you might think. shows alot of what you
said was true in education of prisoners and I have to agree....but it's not
elitism to want your $$ spent at least partly on things that educate more
than just those who committed a crime against the tax payers who are funding

Relax!  Don't read so much in between the lines!  You're both right!

Short comments inline:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Knox" 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: RE: MAJOR OT: Free CCNPtraining for convicts [7:34039]

> Oh I see, you subscribe to the school that thinks denying ex-convicts the
> basic skill sets to survive and perhaps even thrive in society will
> benefit all of us. Yes, let's keep the downtrodden even further below the
> higher classes! Only the already fortunate may benefit from white collar
> jobs! Gee I wonder what happens when convicts finish their jail tail and
> re-enter society without any means to support themselves... more crime, ya
> think?

See above.  They already have access to free education in "most cases":
(term stated multiple times on links from this page) has a few education links (I found many
more by searching).

> But I guess you think locking people up in cages is tax money well spent,
> right? Some of the elitism on this list is revolting.

If you have anyone robbed/killed/etc & then don't think they should be
locked up before they do it again....let me know.  I've been robbed and if
they ever catch the guy I hope he does his time.  Grand theft and insurance
didn't even pay off the remaining balance :(

I've got 10 payments left on a motorcylce I don't even own.  If that
happened to you and the guy was caught & offered a free cisco cert while you
were forking out several thousand...wouldn't you be a little upset?

> - Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Puckette, Larry (TIFPC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:19 AM
> Subject: RE: MAJOR OT: Free CCNPtraining for convicts [7:34039]
> Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anybody mention the character
> reputation degradation that is sure to follow when these convicts populate
> our ranks after their release. Looks like just another feel good image
> enhancement project without considering long term effects to me. Cisco
> should keep that in mind and realize that there are more people with
> character strengths involved in the Cisco ranks now than the field will
> need and not throw a bunch of rotten apples in to the mix.
> Just my 2 cents worth, hope it's just a urban legend....
> Larry Puckette
> Network Analyst CCNA,MCP,LANCP
> Temple Inland
> 512/434-1838
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: c1sc0k1d [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 7:52 AM
> Subject: Re: MAJOR  OT: Free CCNPtraining for convicts [7:34039]
> Cool... well I feel a little better now about my sentencing next week.  Do
> you know if I'll have newsgroup access?
> ""steve skinner""  wrote in message
> > guys,
> >
> > my boss has just told me that cisco are trailing a few prisons where
> > are offering free CCNP training to convicts....
> >
> > man does that just bite the buscuit.....
> >
> > i worked long and hard to pay for my exams.....get some work experience
> > ....and at my expence (bieng a tax payer)i am funding a convict to learn
> > about cisco.....
> >
> > i know about re-abilitation.....but it is just a bit sick that i as an
> > individual,could
> >
> > a) been robbed by this man ... my house is trashed and my insurence goes
> up
> > (i pay )
> > b) funding him in prison to learn Cisco (i pay)
> > c) comes out of prison and de-vaules a cert becuse he has no experience
> > pay)
> >
> >
> > does cisco want to have a "useless" cert system....(except ofcourse the
> > CCIE)....because the more people who BLANTENTLY DONT have any experience
> > witht these certs ...the less they mean...
> >
> >
> > i`m  sorry to rant....but sometimes i wish company`s would consider
> > future..
> >
> > FACT (from Cisco) there will always be more jobs for NA/NP than IE`s
> >
> > 1)i get exams to be employable...
> > 2)in order to get these exams i push the company`s kit ..
> >
> > i have recently installed some 4000`s over another companies kit,even
> > thought the other kit is more than capable of doing the job..because i
> a
> > side benefit of learning about the equipment and increasing my CV value
> > ....
> >
> > 3)if i am working at a company and i dont want a cisco cert because it
> > worthless..why would i push that companies products..
> >
> > i would simply push another company`s products to get my certs in the
> there
> > equipment ,to keep my employability....
> >
> > 4) cisco dont sell as much equipment ....
> > 5) certs become even more worthless..
> > 6) cisco sells even less equipment no-one is trained anymore
> > 7) cisco becomes Novell....(my appologies to all novell staff)...
> >
> > a little for-thought is all that required...
> >
> > as my boss says...
> >
> > " one of my main reson for buying kit is the amount of tech staff
> availible
> > to install/fix the kit...if there`s no staff there no kit"
> >
> > in a job market that is already depressed that last thing that is needed
> is
> > a flood of Certified but unexperienced people on the market..
> >
> > the it industry is like no other ,in that fact that we have to
> > update our skills ...that takes time,money and personal
> > sacrfise....something i dont think cisco is at all concernd with...
> >
> > ahh welll.....
> >
> > no chance of a "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" list starting any time soon...??
> >
> > Sorry for the downer....
> >
> > steve
> >
> >
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
> >

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