
in-band-signaling describes situation when signaling is transported
through the same communication channel as data. out-of-band is when
it is transported through the separate channel.

ISDN (no matter if it is T1 or E1 variant) uses out-of-band signaling,
because signaling is using D channel, while data/voice is using B

Voice transported through T1 network is using in-band signaling,
because signaling is using the same 64Kbps channel as voice, robbing
some bits for signaling. This is also called CAS (channel associated

Voice transported through E1 network is using out-of-band signaling,
because all signaling is happening on separate channel, time slot 16.
This is also called CCS (common channel signaling).

When you telnet to your routers, your management session is in-band,
because it uses the same communication channel as user data. If you
connect console cable, than it is out-of-band.

Hope this helps.


Kris Keen wrote:
> Can someone clarify the terms above?
> D Channel uses Out of Band Signaling, the B Channel uses In Band signaling?

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