No wonder you are a bit lost. They aren't using our networking terminology
quite correctly. There's no such thing as a broadcast port and hence you
can't open it. Perhaps what they mean is that you need to get the router to
forward the IP broadcasts to UDP port 42508. Do this with an ip
helper-address on the incoming interface. Tell the router to forward the
packets to a specific address or a broadcast address, depending on your
needs. Make sure you are specific regarding which packets to forward by
using the ip forward-protocol and no ip forward-protocol commands. Otherwise
the router will forward TFTP, DNS, NTP, NetBIOS, DHCP, and TACACS and not
the packets in question. (The app does use UDP I hope? I don't this works
for TCP-based traffic.)

It doesn't sound like a very well-behaved application. I wonder why it has
to use broadcasts? But, application developers often don't know networking.
Argh. ;-)


Elijah Savage III wrote:
> Ok I am a little lost here but our NT team has rolled out this
> product.
> Everything is working but the server can't see the clients
> because in
> the document above it states that router ports need to be open
> to past
> these broadcast, I do not think this is a good idea but my hand
> is being
> pushed to make this happen. But question is how in the heck I
> am gonna
> get routers to past this broadcast port stated in that document.
> Here is the snippet.
> 5) What port number would you like the admin server to poll
> clients on?
> In the NameClient section of the ICF file two settings for
> client
> polling by the admin server
> exist. These values are Broadcast ports and Pollbroadcast ports
> both
> with the default
> value of 42508. For security reasons, it is suggested that you
> change
> these values. In
> addition, to perform a free election this port must be opened
> on the
> routers internally for
> broadcasts.

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