s vermill wrote:
> s vermill wrote:
> > 
> > Group:
> > 
> > On a W2k machine, I've tried several different recommendations
> > for adjusting the TCP receive window size.  None of them,
> > including those directly from Microsoft, seem to have any
> > impact.  I'm capturing my own traffic and my advertised window
> > is always in the 64k range.
> > 
> > I've tried editing the \tcpip\parameters to include
> > 'TcpWindowSize' and 'GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize' - neither of
> which
> > had any effect.  I've tried editing \VxD\MSTCP to include
> > 'DefaultRcvWindow' - also no effect.
> > 
> > Anyone know how to manipulate the rcv window that my machine
> > will advertise.  For that matter, what about the other MS
> > OSes?  XP?  Win98?
> > 
> > Thanks all,
> > 
> > Scott
> Well...
> The key TcpWindowSize, when present in the registry under
> \tcpip\parameters, does in fact appear to work on W2k and XP
> Pro.  


> I don't know what bad state I got my machine into before,
> but it certainly wasn't taking effect earlier.  In any case,
> the value can be entered in decimal or hex and is in bytes. 
> The key GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize does not appear to work on
> either W2k or XP Pro under \tcpip\parameters.  It perhaps
> should be entered elsewhere, but that's where MS said to put it.
> An interesting side note:  Ethereal apparently doesn't support
> window scaling.  I use a download test site that will tell you
> your rcv window if it remains consistent enough throughout the
> test.  It follows exactly what I enter into the registry,
> whether above or below 65535.  However, when using a value
> above 65535 (such as 93360), Ethereal reports it only as
> 65535.  This may have been why I was only "seeing" a range of
> 64420 - 65535 earlier.  This further confused the situation. 
> Serves me right for using an open-source PA, but the price is
> right.

I recently heard of another free analyzer. I don't know if it reports the
window size correctly when scaling is used, but it might.


I'm partial to EtherPeek from WildPackets (as you know! ;-). It does report
the window correctly when scaling is used, but, alas, it's not free.

> Thanks all for your insightful feedback.  You were a great
> help.  And I was able to do what I originally set out to -
> seriously restrict my download rates by manipulating this
> value.  I'm hopeful it will go a long way towards demonstrating
> a very technical issue to somewhat non-technical people.  It's
> something tangible for them to wrap their minds around sitting
> right in front of a desktop machine.

That's great. Sounds like a good learning tool in many ways.


> Regards all,
> Scott

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