Some descriptions of Ethernet refer to a segment as one side of a hub, i.e.
just one link. The propagation delay information for a hubbed networks takes
into account the small amount of time for a repeater to repeat. The repeater
doesn't do much, but it does regenerate the preamble and signal. A set of
link "segments" connected via hubs is all one collision domain.

Anyway, read my book! Please! :-) It covers all of this in gory detail.

An earlier version of the Ethernet chapter is also available at


Priscilla Oppenheimer

Priscilla Oppenheimer wrote:
> Newell Ryan D SrA 18 CS/SCBT wrote:
> > 
> > If two 10 Base T Ethernet stations transmit at the same they
> > receive data on
> > their receive pins. Will both stations send out a 32 bit jam
> > sequence?
> Yes.
> > If both stations do send a jam signal, why is the slot time
> > closely related
> > to round trip propagation delay? I would think it would be one
> > way.
> A collision could happen at the other end of the network
> segment. News of the collision has to travel back to the
> senders. The signal travels outwards; the collision news
> travels back.
> The goal is to make sure that the sender is still sending when
> the news travels back, even if the news had to come from the
> far end of the network segment. If the sender weren't still
> sending, it wouldn't know that its transmission got damaged and
> wouldn't back off and retransmit. You would lose the feature of
> the NIC ensuring succussful transmission, which happens in a
> microsecond time span, and have to depend on an upper layer
> figuring out that there's a missing ACK, which happens in a
> millisecond or worse time span. So, slot time is dependent on
> round trip time because it considers the time for news of the
> collision to travel back.
> Both senders transmit a jam signal to busy out the network for
> another 32 bit times. At least one of them has to do it, but
> they can't know that the other one did, so they both do it.
> Your question doesn't make sense, but hopefully there's some
> info in that which will help you.
> > 
> > Ethernet, The Definitive Guide page 182 they have some values
> > to use to
> > figure out propagation delay on 10 MB networks. There is a
> base
> > value to
> > start with and from there you add delay per meter. Why is the
> > base value not
> > zero? 
> Even light in a vacuum takes some time to travel any distance.
> It travels 299,792,458 meters per second to be exact, but
> still, it's not zero. A signal on a network cable travels about
> 2/3 the speed of light.
> I don't know what base value you are referring to, but zero
> times anything is zero, so I doubt they could use a base value
> of zero regardless.
> > Also between segments the numbers do not make any sense.
> > Going from
> > Base to Max I understand but between segments.
> A collision domain stops at the boundary between network
> segments. A network segment is devices connected via hubs or
> coax cable. In fact, it might help you to remember that
> Ethernet was originally a long bus, like a link of Christmas
> tree lights. The signal propagated outwards from the sender in
> both directions and travelled to the end of the segment, and
> hopefully not back if the segment was terminated correctly. But
> if there was a collision, the signal did bounce back.
> All hubs are is a way to gather this Christmas tree string of
> lights into a manageable structure. But when first learning
> CSMA/CD details, it helps to think of the segment like that
> string of lights.
> There's a ton of information about CSMA/CD in my book
> "Troubleshooting Camus Networks."
> Also, "Ethernet: The Definitive Guide" really is definitive.
> It's the bible. Don't doubt it. Try to understand it.
> _______________________________
> Priscilla Oppenheimer
> > 
> > 

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