""supernet""  wrote in message
> A friend of mine wants to establish a business that use internet to make
> phone calls. He wants to set up PSTN gateways in some countries and sell
> IP phones to high speed customers so customers can talk to each other
> free of charge and they can call PSTN for a fee. I think net2phone.com
> has the same thing.

Anyone remember Blue Kangaroo?

Risky business model. Capital intense. High customer support costs.

Businesses can get long distance nationwide at less than 3 cents a minute
these days. I gotta wonder if there really is enough demand to make this a
profitable business, given the thin margins.

( Looking at low balance in bank account ) Obviously I know something about
making money...... :-Anyway, He has some questions that I couldn't
> answer. I appreciate if someone can help me:
> 1. Should he use SIP or CCM?
> 2. Is round trip delay 200-300 msec acceptable?
> Thanks.
> Yoshi

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