Actually, there's quite a few vendors already doing this.  One that I found
to be quite impressive was  They've got it figured out.  I'm
actually testing out their service for long distance service at my office.
They give you an ATA186 with the service, which I've connected to an FXO
port off my CCM system and setup least cost routing for long distance

Actually, they had a deal on amazon where you purchase the ATA186 for $100
and they give you two months of their $40 unlimited long distance service
for free.  Heck, it would cost me $100 to buy an ATA186 and I get two months
of free long distance included...what a deal.

Quality is remarkably good.  It hardly ever hiccups at all, which is
surprising since our Internet connection gets hammered pretty often.
Anyway, I've been doing IP phones in production for several years and this
is by far the coolest VoIP service I personally have seen.


ps.  Oh yea, 1) Vonage runs SIP.  2) When I'm on the road and run my
softphone (CCM), I do notice degredation when the latency gets up to a
couple hundred msec.  Doesn't get unacceptable to me until about 600 - 1000
and then I start noticing dropouts.

""supernet""  wrote in message
> A friend of mine wants to establish a business that use internet to make
> phone calls. He wants to set up PSTN gateways in some countries and sell
> IP phones to high speed customers so customers can talk to each other
> free of charge and they can call PSTN for a fee. I think
> has the same thing. Anyway, He has some questions that I couldn't
> answer. I appreciate if someone can help me:
> 1. Should he use SIP or CCM?
> 2. Is round trip delay 200-300 msec acceptable?
> Thanks.
> Yoshi

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