That is the laugh I needed on this Friday.

Robert Raver

----- Original Message -----
From: "Juan Blanco" 
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 6:34 AM
Subject: CCIE [7:65426]

> Team,
> I got this from a friend but I not sure if you have seen this or not but
> only someone pursuing the CCIE would laugh at it!!
> In the course of my day-to-day work, people ask me what is a CCIE? I
> about this for some time. I wrote some notes. And this is what I came up
> with:
> I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling 8 foot computer racks and
> magnetic security cardswipes. I have been known to remodel SME networks on
> my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of capital
> deployment, reliability and performance. I translate technobabble for
> Management, I write award-winning technical presentations and deliver them
> better than an American president announcing tax cuts.
> I can recite complete chapters of the Cisco Documentation CD, backwards
> with little effort and at the same time, perform decimal to binary
> conversion for very large numbers.
> I woo women with my sensuous and godlike MIDI playing on a notebook. I can
> pilot computer trolleys up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I
> rack Cisco gear faster than Arnold Schwarznegger can bench press. I am an
> expert in network diagramming tools, a veteran in web surfing, and know
> Cisco Web Site better than I know my own family.
> Just to keep it interesting, I occasionally tread water for three days
> programming Cisco practice labs. I manage time efficiently and can
> a timesheet every week. In addition, I know the part number for every
> router cable.
> Using only a Chinese AC power cord and a large glass of water, I once
> single-handedly rebuilt the network core of major co-location facility
> the roof fell in. I used to play games, but now it's serious. I am the
> subject of numerous urban myths and I am the creator of a few as well.
> I'm bored, I test fiber optic cable, calculate power loss sums on UTP and
> the minimum refraction index for 50 micron multimode fiber. I mean, what
> the point of it ?
> I understand that DLSW and Source Route Translational Bridging actually
> a reason for existence. It's not just IBM playing a practical joke.
> I enjoy urban guerilla activities. I can build a 802.11b parabolic dish
> antennae using surplus antennae from defunct satellite companies and a
> can. It has better performance than off the shelf products. I think that
> having a wind generator and solar array as power backup for my practice
> is not only responsible preparation, it's environmentally friendly too. On
> Wednesdays, after work, I repair old monitors free of charge for my local
> charity.
> I know that canonical to non-canonical conversion is not about religion,
> it's about "ART."
> Microsoft geeks worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening
> wear, which I don't understand -- it was supposed to be funny. I don't
> perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been
> number ten and have won the cash jackpot.
> I can speak IPX NLSP, AppleTalk, ATM PVC, QoS, and BGP to name a few, and
> redistribute routes at will, with filtering, using non contiguous masks. I
> install IPV6 on customer sites whenever I can, just so I can play with it.
> Same for OSPF NSSA. Children trust me.
> I can hurl squishy giveaway tradeshow toys at sales personnel with
> accuracy, and ensure that the dweeb from administration gets the blame. I
> have charisma beyond normal mortals; if I didn't the boss would have sent
> the other guy to this exam.
> I once read Cisco Quality of Service, Caslow Bridges and Routers 2nd Ed,
> Jeff Doyles' Routing TCP/IP Vol2 in one day, and still had time to do
> practice on a Frame Relay multipoint network, using OSPF and IGRP, split
> horizon, route maps and ISDN. I know the exact location of every food item
> in the supermarket and I use a link state protocol to calculate the
> path to get there.
> I have performed several covert operations with the CIA. It was kind of
> having them follow me around. I know that security and privacy is a
> phantasm-like myth created by "security companies" to extract money from
> Managers who can't implement a decent security policy. But it's great fun
> play with.
> I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. I know exactly
> much coffee my body will take to sustain me at peak function. While on
> vacation, I successfully negotiated with the hotel to fix their network in
> return for free accommodation. The laws of society do not apply to me.
> I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On
> weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact tech stock day
> trading. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it
> down.
> I can originate default routes, conditionally, after redistributing from a
> classful distance vector protocol. I have made extraordinary four course
> meals using my Cisco 7500 lab router as a stove (after all its runs all
> time anyway).
> I breed prizewinning idioms. Fox Mulder knows my phone number. I have
> with Elvis.
> Juan Blanco

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