On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 12:07:13 -0400, "Don Levey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>For whatever reason, I'm not seeing clamav-milter in my ps list.
>If it's not running, that would explain why it doesn't create a sock
>and perhaps why sendmail can't then connect to that sock.  I get no 
>feedback when trying to start it, even explicitly using the command-
>line options in the config file.  Nor do I see anything in any log
>file that is of help (checked messages, no clamav-milter log, clamd.log
>doesn't show anything).
>FWIW, freshclam *seems* to be working smoothly - at least, I get no 
>errors and the process seems to be running...

the milter is controlled by its command line:

[root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter
CLAMAV_FLAGS="-lo --max-children=10 --noreject --force-scan --quiet
--dont-log-clean --server=localhost local:/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.sock

[root]# ps -ef |grep clamav-milter
clamav    2252     1  0 08:56 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/clamav-milter -lo
--max-children=10 --noreject --force-scan --quiet --dont-log-clean
--server=localhost local:/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.sock

In my clamav.conf, I have syslogging enabled. I don't know if clamav-milter
cares about it.  

At a minimum, the process events get logged there:

]# grep milter /var/log/messages
Apr 18 09:21:03 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter shutdown succeeded
Apr 18 09:21:03 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter startup succeeded
Apr 19 08:23:36 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter -SIGHUP succeeded
Apr 19 08:24:00 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter startup succeeded
Apr 23 08:54:30 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter shutdown succeeded
Apr 23 08:56:43 ciscy clamav-milter: clamav-milter startup succeeded


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