it is updated to 0.83
it saying in rpm -q clamav is 0.83
i don't want to uninstall the exsiting one it is intergrated with my 
mail server so i want to update it to 0.83
i updated it i want to configure the updated version 0.81 to 0.83

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 08:39:30 +0000, Rob MacGregor
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 11:25:48 +0300, Jijos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hai
> > I just updated clamav 0.81 to 0.83 (fedora 1)
> > i updated with yum
> > after updating i run the freshclam  but it is still saying
> >
> > WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED - please update immediately!
> > WARNING: Local version: 0.81 Recommended version: 0.83
> >
> > how can I solve this prblm
> As you'd have known if you'd put any effort into looking at the list
> archive, that means you've got an old version still installed.
> Remove the old version (try such things as "which freshclam" to
> identify the prefix clamav was installed with) and reinstall the new
> one.
> --
>                 Please keep list traffic on the list.
> Rob MacGregor
>      Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
>        doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche
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