Chris wrote:

> I've just installed ClamAV last night and after reading through the archives 
> I 
> setup a cronjob to restart freshclam on boot.  I got a chance to test this 
> today since my box decided that it wasn't going to play anymore, after the 
> reboot I noticed two freshclam processes running, one with no variables and 
> the other as I had set it up in the cronjob with -d -c 24.  I take it then 
> that the cronjob is not necessary to restart freshclam and that all variables 
> are read from the /etc/freshclam.conf file.  Is that a correct assumption?

You have it all wrong, the -d parameter means (man freshclam):

       -d, --daemon
              Run in a daemon mode. This option requires --checks.

So you either run freshclam once with -d or run it from cron without -d.

And your statement about "setup a cronjob to restart freshclam on boot" is
wrong, if you want something to start on boot you set that on the /etc/init.d
directory and related /etc/rc?.d (or equivalent since this changes from Unix to
Unix), you don't use cron for that.

If you don't know what you are doing then start by reading the documentation.

René Berber


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