On Tue, November 28, 2006 10:53 pm, Tom Samplonius said:
>   How do you choose the best MaxThreads value for a dedicated mail server?
>  Should MaxThreads be each to double the number of cores, or something
> like that?
>   What happens if MaxThreads is set too high?  Too low?

The main advice I've seen is that more is generally better, subject to the
amount of RAM on your machine.  Too low and mail will have to either wait
to be checked until a thread is free, or be skipped.  Too high and the
machine will go into swap.  (Which is a massive performance hit.)  End
result is the same for a mail processing system: less mail can go through
your machine.  Too low is generally less of a performance hit than too

So the numbers of cores/processors seems to be mostly irrelevant. The
amount of RAM you have available is the relevant number.

Daniel T. Staal

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