On 19/12/2007, at 11:29 AM, fchan wrote:

> Hi,
> I just configure with CFLAGS="-O0" and did make and make install  
> and it worked on my Mac running 10.4.11!
> However we in the Apple user community are at the mercy of Apple as  
> to when Apple will update gcc to 4.1.1 or later. I had pre-release  
> version of gcc-4.2.1 from Apple which didn't work on compiling  
> clamav on my Mac running 10.4.11. This pre-release version of  
> gcc-4.2.1 was for a different project so I didn't think it would  
> work since it was partial release.
> Frank

Yes. This was a life saver for me! On Intel machine, changing  
compiler to gcc 3.3 did not work (it does on my PowerPC machine).  
Switched back to 4.0 and ran:

./configure --enable-experimental CFLAGS="-O0"

It compiled perfectly.

So thanks Frank and Trk Edwin.

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