Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães wrote:
>     Compiling clamav-0.92 with an old gcc (gcc 3.2 in my Fedora 4 and 
> Fedora 5 machines) will make clamav behave strangely, slow ... disable 
> features ... or something like that ? Is it 'very bad' to compile 
> clamav-0.92 with gcc 3.2 ??
>     Please note that i'm NOT running in high loaded environments, so 
> missing some optimizations flags which would make clamav 0,05% faster 
> will certainly NOT be a problem to me.

Any compiler that passes the test in ./configure is ok (just to be clear,
you can use any compiler, not just gcc).
For gcc versions > 4.1.1, and  < 4.0 are known to work.
So 3.2 is ok.

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