well, this is the supported ompiler from apple for this version of  
the system.
now that apple ships 10.5 as the latest system version, doubts about  
any fix to this issue can be raised.
they changed a lot in this area for the newer system, so prolly there  
wouldn't be this problem; but i'm not yet ready to jump.

thx. anyway for all suggestions.


Am 18.12.2007 um 15:42 schrieb Nigel Horne:

> Oliver Schwarz wrote:
>> hey all,
>> just to chime in with GCC 4.0.1 compiler problems on Mac OS X  
>> 10.4.10  Server.
>> it breaks with the same errors mentioned:
>> checking for a supported version of gcc... ok (4.0.1)
>> checking for gcc bug PR27603... ok, bug not present
>> checking for gcc bug PR28045... configure: error: your compiler  
>> has  gcc PR28045 bug, use a different compiler, see http:// 
>> gcc.gnu.org/ bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28045
>> but with Edwins mentioned parameter:
>> CFLAGS="-O0" it works
>> CFLAGS="-O1" or CFLAGS="-O2" it fails again.
>> is it safe to build it with CFLAGS="-O0" and to let it run on   
>> production servers?
> My advice is to steer clear of using buggy compilers in a production
> environment when using a commercially supported operating system such
> as MACOS. I suggest contacting your Apple provider for a fix to gcc.
>> thx.
>> oliver
> -Nigel
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