Oliver Schwarz wrote:
hey all,

just to chime in with GCC 4.0.1 compiler problems on Mac OS X 10.4.10 Server.
it breaks with the same errors mentioned:

checking for a supported version of gcc... ok (4.0.1)
checking for gcc bug PR27603... ok, bug not present
checking for gcc bug PR28045... configure: error: your compiler has gcc PR28045 bug, use a different compiler, see http://gcc.gnu.org/ bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28045

but with Edwins mentioned parameter:
CFLAGS="-O0" it works
CFLAGS="-O1" or CFLAGS="-O2" it fails again.

is it safe to build it with CFLAGS="-O0" and to let it run on production servers?

My advice is to steer clear of using buggy compilers in a production
environment when using a commercially supported operating system such
as MACOS. I suggest contacting your Apple provider for a fix to gcc.


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