At 11:14 AM +0100 11/20/09, Luca Gibelli wrote:
Hello Greg,

 FYI, I'm still getting the submission error.
ERROR: SubmitDetectionStats: Remote server reported temporary failure: under maintenance

it looks like it will need some more time. I hope it will be back online
by monday.

Pardon this one's humble opinion and this is not meant to start a flame war but...

You know this whole situation does sound more than a little hobby shoppy. Doesn't SourceFire feel more than a little embarrassed?

I can't imagine the it would be that hard to at least spool the reports for later processing. Further your stats web site states "VRT Active Malware Report at 22:16 on 11/19/09 GMT" today which is clearly not true.

If you are going to provide a "realtime" service such as your stats then you should post reliable status of the service. Its been 7 days and still no status report posted to the stats page!

This can't be all that hard.

Just my 2 cents.

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