--On 28 November 2009 11:46:12 +1300 Jason Haar <jason.h...@trimble.co.nz> wrote:

On 11/24/2009 12:49 AM, Steve Basford wrote:
I use both identi.ca and Twitter to post updates, with seemingly
identi.ca being more reliable:

..a bit OT, but can someone explain to me why "everyone" has moved over
to Twitter instead of doing this sort of thing via RSS? For this sort of
"real time reporting of an automated process", isn't Twitter and co just
RSS done badly?

Twitter has SMS push if you're an account holder. So, I can get SMS alerts to my phone, and they're free.

You can post to Twitter even when your entire IT infrastructure is down, as long as you have enough mobile connectivity to send an SMS. Note that you don't even need to be able to make a phone call, since an SMS can be delivered even when the voice channel is saturated. You don't need an Internet data channel, either.

Twitter also provide an RSS feed. So, you can follow the alerts even without a twitter account.

Twitter provides discoverability.

I don't think Twitter becomes a replacement for your own RSS feed, it's just another channel that you can communicate with.

(I'm getting old and don't understand why everyone throws out perfectly
good old technology for the Latest Thing ;-)

Ian Eiloart
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