On 11/24/2009 12:49 AM, Steve Basford wrote:
> I use both identi.ca and Twitter to post updates, with seemingly identi.ca
> being more reliable:

..a bit OT, but can someone explain to me why "everyone" has moved over
to Twitter instead of doing this sort of thing via RSS? For this sort of
"real time reporting of an automated process", isn't Twitter and co just
RSS done badly?

(I'm getting old and don't understand why everyone throws out perfectly
good old technology for the Latest Thing ;-)


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

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