On 2/28/2011 10:03 AM, Royce Williams wrote:
> For future-proofing purposes, would it be feasible to enable
> optionally tagging a signature with its minimum supported ClamAV
> version?
> In other words, the entry is tagged with "min 0.98.2", and if you're
> running 0.98.1, it ignores it, but complains loudly so that people
> know that they're running less-than-complete signature set.  This
> would allow folks to plan and execute a scheduled upgrade, instead of
> a panicked one.

ClamAV 0.96 was released in April of 2010.  How much time do you need to
schedule an upgrade?  If my servers were still running an old version a
month after an update, I would consider it a serious problem.  AV
programs need to be kept up to date in order to provide the best protection.

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