On 02/28/2011 09:29 AM, Nathan Gibbs wrote:
* Török Edwin wrote:
but apparently people running 0.95 care more about clamd "working" than
actually detecting malware.

0.95 working equals more protection than 0.95 not working.

I will concede that its not the best solution, but its better than no solution.

My opinion on reasonable backwards compatibility
( probably not worth much )

2-3 years of backwards compatibility sounds right.
2 years would put us back to 0.94x
3 years would put us back to 0.92x

A flag day now and then (0.94.x DB issue) is OK, but not as a regularly
scheduled event.
Whats the point of putting the latest Clamav on a system when the Dev team is
going to break it in a matter of months.

If I wanted that experience I'd use MS products exclusively.

I do appreciate the efforts of the ClamAV Team in providing a viable Open
Source AV Solution.
But as I've said before, the treatment of the user base leaves somewhat to be

Well please do not take this as freedom to start another flame war.
Version 0.95 will stay working essentially forever if you choose to turn off freshclam. You will continue to detect the viruses that it detects. Version 0.96 updated the detections to keep up with the malware writers. Should the malware writers decide to take time off to allow everybody to upgrade to the latest version that would be great, however, that seems very unlikely.

Jim Preston

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