On 2011-07-14 at 20:33+03 Török Edwin <edwinto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think you might be able to configure freshclam to download CLDs
> with DatabaseCustomURL.
> Something like this (untested):
> DatabaseMirror <internal-server-with-some-older-version-of-cvds>
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/main.cld
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/main.cvd
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/daily.cld
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/daily.cvd
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/bytecode.cld
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/bytecode.cvd
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/safebrowsing.cld
> DatabaseCustomURL http://<your-internal-webserver>/safebrowsing.cvd

I've just spent some time testing this, and I think this will be a
much better solution.  In essence, we can use this to force freshclam
to pull the CLD files from our private mirror, instead of the CVD
files.  freshclam appears to use the timestamps of the files on the
web server to determine whether they're more recent than the local
copies, and --quiet suppresses all errors about non-existent files and
duplicate databases.

I'll test this more thoroughly, and report back how well it works for

> I think downloading CLD file is sufficient.  On a LAN it'll probably
> be faster than downloading & applying all the individual updates.

It wouldn't surprise me.

The cost of pulling the full CVD/CLD files versus the CDIFF files over
the LAN is negligible for us; we have plenty of bandwidth there.  What
we're trying to minimize is the amount of data we have to pull from
the (public) clam mirrors.

> The CLD files are digitally signed too, so you get almost the same
> integrity checks as with the CVD already.

Are you sure about that?  Because sigtool says:

$ sigtool -i safebrowsing.cvd 
File: safebrowsing.cvd
Build time: 14 Jul 2011 14:45 -0400
Version: 30807
Signatures: 710259
Functionality level: 60
Builder: google
MD5: 2b1b2e868dd74f2aab83bb79c55a68d8
Digital signature: 
LibClamAV Warning: Detected duplicate databases safebrowsing.cvd and 
safebrowsing.cld, please manually remove one of them
Verification OK.

$ sigtool -i safebrowsing.cld 
File: safebrowsing.cld
Build time: 14 Jul 2011 14:45 -0400
Version: 30807
Signatures: 710259
Functionality level: 60
Builder: google
Verification OK.

The CLD file lacks the "MD5" and "Digital signature" info.  Is there
another signature that sigtool isn't displaying?

But even if the CLD files aren't digitally signed, that's not a
dealbreaker, as we can create other mechanisms to verify that the CLD
files weren't tampered with on the wire.

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