On Thu Jul 14 2011 23:25:34 GMT+0200 (CET)
James Ralston <qralston+ml.clamav-us...@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

>> The CLD files are digitally signed too, so you get almost the same
>> integrity checks as with the CVD already.
> Are you sure about that?  Because sigtool says:
> $ sigtool -i safebrowsing.cvd 
> File: safebrowsing.cvd
> Build time: 14 Jul 2011 14:45 -0400
> Version: 30807
> Signatures: 710259
> Functionality level: 60
> Builder: google
> MD5: 2b1b2e868dd74f2aab83bb79c55a68d8
> Digital signature: 
> ZstS5RdHytv71PgvErgszQPaVbPqtqgmNrE+w//3lgS0bhP6rrPb87NVfncufL9H2kh/LLx1wwyMPPIJVWsbSYKck4vcwz+ErezX+81gTilryxcrmmEMTWH6WjRvKj24wuqSIF78473JuZWB6Wwi8q2Wgojh1BgBaCB7ghuV/3j
> LibClamAV Warning: Detected duplicate databases safebrowsing.cvd and 
> safebrowsing.cld, please manually remove one of them
> Verification OK.
> $ sigtool -i safebrowsing.cld 
> File: safebrowsing.cld
> Build time: 14 Jul 2011 14:45 -0400
> Version: 30807
> Signatures: 710259
> Functionality level: 60
> Builder: google
> Verification OK.
> The CLD file lacks the "MD5" and "Digital signature" info.  Is there
> another signature that sigtool isn't displaying?

Yes, there's an additional digital signature stored in the .info file
inside the CLD container.


   oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <tk...@clamav.net>
  (\/)\.........         http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
     \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
       //\   /\              Thu Jul 14 23:33:11 CEST 2011
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