On 9/19/2011 12:16 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 09/19/11 12:04, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> He is not trying to match the IP address.  He is trying to match an
>> unusual way of presenting the IP address that seems to occur primarily
>> in spam.
>> Whether this is something that should be done in ClamAV or would be
>> better done by something like SpamAssassin is another question altogether.
> Fair enough. I was just unhappy with the idea that "" is somehow
> less obfuscated than "1".

I would tend to say that "1" is fairly well obfuscated.  Most people --
even most technical people -- would not immediately see that as an IP
address.  We have been conditioned to see IP addresses as XX.XX.XX.XX. 
And while there are other valid ways of displaying an IP address, most
people will not immediately recognize a number or series of numbers as
an IP address if it is not in the familiar dotted-quad notation.

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