On 6/15/2012 10:59 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> On Friday, June 15, 2012 10:44:29 AM Matt Olney did opine:
>> We're having some trouble with our freshmeat account.  You can download
>> the latest here, until we get it fixed up:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/clamav/files/
> I downloaded this, removed the pclos 97.4 packages, and built this, 
> installed and uninstalled it at --prefix=/usr, default and prefix=/,
> but could not arrive at a working install because it was always looking for 
> /etc/freshclam.conf someplace else.  So I gave up, did one final uninstall, 
> and put the pclos 97.4 packages back in, restoring all the 
> /etc/clam*.rpmsave's
> Is there a method that would faithfully duplicate the rpm installs image?

The most reliable way is to wait for a pclos 97.5 package.

Alternately, you can remove the package, build from source, and then
move the config files to where the new install expects to find them.

You need to stick with a single source to avoid this kind of problem. 
Either stay with the pclos packages, or remove the package and build
from source each time.  I prefer to build it myself so I don't have to
wait for a packager to catch up to the latest version.


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