Den 2012-06-16 03:51, Eric Shubert skrev:

Redistributing the database (2/3 of the size of the download) makes
no sense when doing an upgrade, which is by far the majority of the
cases. Doing so is a total waste of bandwidth. At the same time, new
installs need to have these files one way or another, and can be
obtained efficiently either as a separate clamav-db package as Brian
does, or perhaps by running freshclam as a post-install process. In
any case, I think this is a decision best left to the packager.

why is databases part of clamav tarball in the first place ?, was freshclam not existing when clamav 0.001 was born ?, is there any secureity aspect in delivering database as part of tarballs ?, i just still try to understand why its still a problem :/

over 2 years since i reported it, but no listner :(

each time gentoo/funtoo users download 48M just to get the sources, the freshclam have already updated databases, but ebuild maintainers have now fixed ebuild to not install databases from tarballs, when will the tarball shrink so ?

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