Hi people:

I have install clamav 0.96.5 from my ubuntu 10.04 repository but I want to upgrade to 0.97.5, I download the tar.gz file to my /home/user folder and do this:

1. Unpack the file
2. Cd to clamav directory
3. Run ./configure
4. Run make

Now I want to uninstall the old clamav but I no idea of what packs, I have install: clamav, clamav-base, clamav-daemon, clamav-freshclam, libclamav6 and libtommath. I would keep one or more of this packs for eg libclamav6, to install the new version o I have to uninstall all of them???? I tried everything, then I run:

make install

But I never got a valid instalation, when I tried to invoke clamd I got an error related with libclamav or something like that, anybody have a tuto or manual that help me with this issues??? Thanks . . .

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