On 8/28/12 3:51 AM, G.W. Haywood wrote:

It is unrealistic to expect people to produce manuals or tutorials for
every permutation of users' whim.  You need to learn about the systems,
learn about the packages, learn about their installation, learn about
their operation and learn about how they must be maintained.  Yes, it's
learn, learn, learn, learn, learn.  Sorry.  At least you have learned
now how much work the package maintainers are doing for you. :)



If the OP did exactly as he said the system would have installed Clamav in /usr/local. While it is possible I suppose that his RPM distro does the same, I've not seen it an any I've installed. If true the consequence is clamd installed fine but is no longer in his path.

Running make -n install 2>&1 |less will reveal all.


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