On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 09:49:42PM -0400, Paul Kosinski wrote:
> 3. With regard to reducing the delay when a new signature set is loaded:
> I don't know the internals of ClamAV, but it seems that it ought to be
> possible to restructure it to overlap (in a different thread) the
> loading of signatures into memory with the running of the clamd scan
> engine. Then, when new signatures have been loaded, a simple pointer
> swap or three (mutexed, of course) would cause subsequent scans to use
> the new signatures. After the swap, the memory for the old signatures
> would be released by the loader thread. This would take more memory
> during signature update, but it might be a worthwhile option.

Good luck getting it implemented, such patch has been hanging around for 4
years, of course the problem has been apparent for much longer.  I guess
ClamAV developers consider it's normal for a service to hang for minutes

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