Hi there,

On Sat, 29 Jan 2022, Dorian ROSSE via clamav-users wrote:

I was added freshclam on the Cron job,

The freshclam utility can run in two ways.  It can run and then stop,
or it can run indefintely (then it is what we call a 'daemon').  The
configuration and the commands you give determine what it does.  You
need to decide how you are going to use it, configure it, and give it
the proper commands to suit your needs.  Read the man page for more.

I suspect that you have freshclam configured to run as a daemon when
you are attempting to start it regularly from the crontab using the
same configuration.  That is certain to cause problems, because there
will already be a freshclam process running when another one tries to
start, and they will both be trying to modify the same files etc....

Welcome to the administration of a multi-tasking, multi-user system. :)

If you have freshclam running as a daemon then you will *not* want to
start another instance of it using the same configuration.  You could
theoretically run more than one freshclam instance - with different
configurations for each instance - but that would be advanced usage.
I could just about imagine reasons why someone would want to do it,
but it would at least involve multiple signature providers and I'd be
willing to bet that you aren't doing anything like that.

Most people probably start freshclam at system boot, and let it run
until the next boot or an upgrade.  That's what I do.

There's no need to involve cron at all.




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