
try sudo lsof /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log what process is locking the log
file and then kill it?


pe 28. tammik. 2022 klo 18.48 Dorian ROSSE via clamav-users (
clamav-users@lists.clamav.net) kirjoitti:

> hello,
> I am there,
> after your three command line adviced freshclam is again broken : e
> '''freshclam
> ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process
> ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile =
> /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).
> ERROR: initialize: libfreshclam init failed.
> ERROR: Initialization error!'''
> what is your advice now ?
> have a nice weekend from the france,
> regards.
> Dorian ROSSE.
> ------------------------------
> *De :* colin course <course2...@yandex.com>
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 27 janvier 2022 22:13
> *À :* Dorian ROSSE <dorianbr...@hotmail.fr>
> *Cc :* Dorian ROSSE via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
> *Objet :* Re:[clamav-users] problem for freshclam
> ok thanks didant mean to be pushey
> you could also try clamtk the grahical interface of clam its a scanner
> i am just on there forum now trying to get mine sorted
> bionic only want to give me 5.25 version and you guessed it need it to
> be higher as it is outdated
> you will find a version of it on your sanaptic package installer also
> you will need clam to be higher than 2.3 something like ,4 with out
> looking
> i suppect i got the numbers wrong
> you problerly yes you will find your version on the clam log file
> any problems just ask
> tat ta for now
> colin
> all the best
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