hi dorian
did it do the first command ok 
did the command give you an ok in its read out did  it stop ? the process
and then we can go on to the second command 
and see what does it say post the first  2 results of the commands 
for the second just the bit at the end is all that is of interest 

you really want your clam   permissions to  be clamav and adm 
ged was right about that we shall persavear now we have started 

we can try other things but that will be looking at processes and may be 
files as i am not that great with a terminal 
and see what your config file says we know what your log one saying already you 
can check it with mine my scanner is working but i suppose 
thats on the tk scanner  side of things 
have you got a sanaptics package manager ?

kind regards colin 


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