Ah, disregard that. I found the rules:

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Christian Vest Hansen
> Is it important that we build and deconstruct a complete tree in the
> process, or is merely getting the correct end result enough?
> (defn checkTree [item depth]
>  (if (zero? depth)
>     item
>     (- (+ item (checkTree (- (* 2 item) 1) (dec depth)))
>        (checkTree (* 2 item) (dec depth)))))
> (defn sumTrees [iterations depth]
>  (loop [sum (int 0) i (int 1)]
>  (if (<= i iterations)
>      (recur (int (+ sum (checkTree i depth) (checkTree (- i) depth)))
>        (inc i))
>      sum)))
> ;;; followed by all of your code, and then:
> (time (println "My result:" (sumTrees 10000 10)))
> (time (println "Your result:" (sum-trees 10000 10)))
> Produces this output:
> rowe:~$ clj trees.clj
> My result: -20000
> "Elapsed time: 11179.616 msecs"
> Your result: -20000
> "Elapsed time: 112541.067 msecs"
> rowe:~$
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:55 PM, PeterB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I downloaded clojure_20080916.zip and had a go with a simple tree
>> benchmark (cut-down version of the one in the computer language
>> shootout  http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/).
>> The Java version is pretty simple and runs in about 2s on my laptop:
>> public class Main
>> {
>>    public static void main(String[] args)
>>    {
>>        System.out.println("result: " + sumTrees(10000, 10));
>>    }
>>    public static int sumTrees(int iterations, int depth)
>>    {
>>        int i;
>>        int sum = 0;
>>        for (i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)
>>            sum += TreeNode.bottomUpTree(i, depth).itemCheck() +
>>                        TreeNode.bottomUpTree(-i, depth).itemCheck();
>>        return sum;
>>    }
>>    public static class TreeNode
>>    {
>>        private TreeNode left, right;
>>        private int           item;
>>        TreeNode(int item)
>>        {
>>            this.item = item;
>>        }
>>        TreeNode(int item, TreeNode left, TreeNode right)
>>        {
>>            this.left = left;
>>            this.right = right;
>>            this.item = item;
>>        }
>>        private static TreeNode bottomUpTree(int item, int depth)
>>        {
>>            if (depth > 0)
>>                return new TreeNode(item,
>>                                               bottomUpTree(2*item-1,
>> depth-1),
>>                                               bottomUpTree(2*item,
>> depth-1));
>>            else
>>                return new TreeNode(item);
>>        }
>>        int itemCheck()
>>        {
>>            if (left == null)
>>                return item;
>>            else
>>                return item + left.itemCheck() - right.itemCheck();
>>        }
>>    }
>> }
>> The Clojure version is considerably more compact and elegant:
>> (defn make-tree [item depth]
>>  (if (zero? depth)
>>    (list item nil nil)
>>    (let [item2 (* 2 item)  depth-1 (dec depth)]
>>      (list item (make-tree (dec item2) depth-1) (make-tree item2
>> depth-1)))))
>> (defn check-tree [tree]
>>  (if (nil? tree)
>>    0
>>    (let [[i l r] tree] (- (+ i (check-tree l)) (check-tree r)))))
>> (defn sum-trees [iterations depth]
>>  (let [sum #(+ (check-tree (make-tree % depth))
>>                      (check-tree (make-tree (- %) depth)))]
>>    (reduce #(+ %1 %2) 0 (map sum (range 1 (inc iterations))))))
>>  (time (println "result:" (sum-trees 10000 10)))
>> However, there is a heavy price to be paid for this elegance:
>> 'Elapsed time: 100730.161515 msecs'
>> Ouch! That's rather disappointing :-(
>> Any suggestions for improving the performance?
>> >>
> --
> Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
> Christian Vest Hansen.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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