Thanks for all the suggestions!

This modified version is very close to that in the thread:
(Thanks for pointing that out Meikel. I should have searched old
threads before posting.)

(defn make-tree [item depth]
  (if (zero? depth)
    [item nil nil]
    (let [item2 (* 2 item)  depth-1 (dec depth)]
      [item (make-tree (dec item2) depth-1) (make-tree item2

; Note: (+ (tree 0) (check-tree (tree 1)) (- (check-tree (tree 2))))
seems to require
; the creation of an intermediate list and runs twice as slow
(defn check-tree [tree]
  (if tree
      (- (+ (tree 0) (check-tree (tree 1))) (check-tree (tree 2)))

(defn sum-trees [iterations depth]
  (let [sum #(+ (check-tree (make-tree % depth))
                      (check-tree (make-tree (- %) depth)))]
    (reduce + (map sum (range 1 (inc iterations))))))

(time (println "result:" (sum-trees 10000 10)))

Running in Clojure REPL for java 1.6.0_11 with -server option:

result: -20000
Elapsed time: 6080.294283 msecs

Wow! Elegant and fast!

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