On Saturday 06 December 2008 08:10, janus wrote:
> >Start by telling us precisely what you did to "run clojure."
> I have the below in my batch file
> SET CLASSPATH=/clojure/clojure/clojure.jar ;\
> /clojure/clojure/clojure-contrib.jar;\
> java clojure.lang.Repl

The instructions are these:

SET CLASSPATH=/jars/clojure.jar;\
java clojure.lang.Repl

Since you omitted the line with "/path/to/book/code" you must also 
remove the second backslash. Also, it looks like you have a space 
before the semicolon. If so, remove it.

Lastly, you omitted one line from his sample, which means you must also 
remove the second backslash.

> To run means clicking batch file. I followed the instructiom from
> Clojure Programming Book.
> I got a message box with the "Failed to load Main-Class manifest
> attribute from C;/clojure/clojure/clojure". On click ok, it opened the
> Repl. 

As Dave said, the semicolon there seems misplaced. Should it not be a 
colon? Did you transcribe the error message by hand? Or did you copy 
and paste it into your email?

> Emeka

Randall Schulz

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